Sunday, 16 December 2007

Sights from Belgium and Germany

We flew out of Edinburgh Friday morning 7am arrived at heathrow at 8am. Whilst waiting for ou rconecig flight to Brussels we walked around and enjoyed a lovely breakfast. We then flew out to Brussels at 13hoo and arrived at 15h00 Brussels time (i.e and hour behind SA). We went to the Flemish church Sabbath morning as the children had a special christmas program. Below are some photos of the children and the church. The church is in the conference building which also consists of Adra, a French congregation, a Flemish congregation and an International (English) congregation. We attended the Flemish congregation and what an interesting day! See if you can make out what the sermon was about........

Our afternoon walk to the park, Brussels.

1 comment:

Le Butterfly said...

Sounds like a really cool trip. Have you been learning any foreign languages yet?
